My bags are packed, iPhone and Macbook Pro are charged and my neither hot nor fast car is ready to take me to Berlin! Why? Because
RailsConf Europe 2008 is starting tomorrow. Actually it's starting tonight with
Bratwurst on Rails. I'm not even 100% sure yet which sessions I'll attend, but I'm quite interested in scalability (Amazon EC2 comes to mind). One of the greatest things is meeting interesting people and besides meeting new ones I'm looking forward to seeing two "old" developer friends of mine again.
Besides the conference Berlin is always a great city to visit anyway. My wife will come by train on Friday morning and we'll spend a nice long weekend together. You can be sure to find us in our
favorite restaurant in Berlin for breakfast on Friday morning :)
Tammo Freese said...
Hi Johannes, see you at the Bratwurst event! :)
September 01, 2008 11:22 AM