<?php class User extends AppModel { var $name = 'User'; } ?>It should be backed by a database table named 'users' with this layout:
CREATE TABLE users ( id integer auto_increment, username char(50), password char(50), PRIMARY KEY (id) );To create users, put this custom shell code into the file app/vendors/shells/create_user.php:
<?php class CreateUserShell extends Shell { var $uses = array('User'); function main() { App::import('Component','Auth'); $this->Auth = new AuthComponent(null); $this->out('Create Admin User:'); $this->hr(); while (empty($username)) { $username = $this->in('Username:'); if (empty($username)) $this->out('Username must not be empty!'); } while (empty($pwd1)) { $pwd1 = $this->in('Password:'); if (empty($pwd1)) $this->out('Password must not be empty!'); } while (empty($pwd2)) { $pwd2 = $this->in('Password Confirmation:'); if ($pwd1 !== $pwd2) { $this->out('Passwort and confirmation do not match!'); $pwd2 = NULL; } } // we got all the data, let's create the user $this->User->create(); if ($this->User->save(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $this->Auth->password($pwd1)))) { $this->out('Admin User created successfully!'); } else { $this->out('ERROR while creating the Admin User!!!'); } } } ?>That's it, now you can run your spiffy new shell script like so:
cake/console/cake create_userEnjoy!
Tom said...
You probably just saved me a good deal of time learning CakePhp shells so that I could accomplish just this -- and provided an excellent simple example of a cake shell script in the bargain. Thanks!
January 27, 2009 03:38 AM
Johannes Fahrenkrug said...
Hey Tom,
January 27, 2009 06:45 AMThank you for your kind feedback! I'm glad it was helpful for you :)